Schools are legally required to publish specific policies, reports and data on their school website for the information of parents, prospective parents or any other interested party.

Click on the relevant link below to view each item. If you would like further information about any of these documents, please contact the headteacher or the school via the Office.

Admissions arrangements

Ofsted report

Achievement and Attainment Performance Data (SATs Results)

Details of curriculum provision by year group and by subject

The school's approach to teaching reading, and which reading schemes are used.

The school's approach to teaching phonics and which phonics scheme is used

Charging & Remissions Policy

Behaviour Policy

The school's arrangements for supporting children with SEN and disabilities.

Meanwood SEND Information Report

Accessibility Plan for including Children with Disabilities

Information about the school's use of the Primary School PE and Sport Grant and the impact of this.

Information about the school's compliance with the Public Sector Equality Duty

Pupil Premium Allocation and Expenditure

School Aims

British Values

Governing Board

Privacy Notice - how we use pupil information (GDPR)

Prevent Duty - Protecting pupils from radicalisation

Inclusion Policy

COVID Information

Safeguarding Policy

Equality & Community Cohesion Policy


Complaints Policy