We Value the Role of the Parent

We work cooperatively with parents and carers to ensure our children achieve their full potential.

Children's Welfare Officer

Meanwood Primary School has a children's welfare officer employed directly by the school.  Mrs Helen Hart can support parents directly with advice, or can make referrals to other services, for any family/home issues such as children's behaviour, benefits, debt, domestic abuse, adult mental health, housing and many more. 

You can email her directly at: hhart@meanwood.rochdale.sch.uk.

Early Help

If you think an Early Help Assessment may help with your family, do not hesitate to ask the Class Teacher, Children's Welfare Officer, Learning Mentor, Head Teacher or the Special Needs Co-Ordinator for further information.

This leaflet provides further information about the Early Help process.

Early Help process

Updated: 20/02/2019 2.99 MB

There are plenty of other support options available.

Rochdale Family Service Directory

This is a website with links to all the services for children and families throughout the Rochdale borough. Whether you need help with housing, health, benefits or money advice, parenting or childcare, you can find out what is available and how to contact each service.

If you can't find what you need, talk to someone at school and we can help point you in the right direction!

Sure Start Children's Centres

Our local Children's Centres are at Meanwood, Norden and Howard Street and staff there can help you with any concerns you may have about your preschool - 5-year-old child/ren.  They can also signpost you or refer you to a wide range of other services throughout Rochdale. Please pop in and speak to one of the Children's Centre staff if you need anything.

Support for parents and carers of children with Special Needs or a Disability.

If you are concerned your child may have a disability or special need, please make an appointment to see our Special Needs Co-ordinator, Mrs Molloy. You can also look at this page on our website for more information, click here.

Rochdale Foodbank

The school holds vouchers for the Foodbank, so if you need emergency food for any reason, please do not hesitate to speak to the headteacher or Mrs Hart, the children's welfare officer. Your request will be dealt with in the strictest confidence.