Children's Welfare

Children's safety and their physical and emotional well-being are a top priority for us at Meanwood. We are committed to safeguarding all the children in our care.

On this page, you will find information and links about lots of different aspects of keeping children safe. If there is anything you'd like more information about, please ask any member of staff.


We want our children to feel safe and happy coming to school. Sometimes children fall out with each other - that's a normal part of growing up and learning to manage friendships. Bullying is different. Bullying is a repeated abuse of power when one child deliberately hurts, upsets, excludes or intimidates another child. We take all concerns about bullying very seriously and work with parents and children to resolve the issue.

Childline - Advice and support for children who are worried about abuse, bullying or neglect.

Child Protection

Schools have a legal duty to safeguard children and to work with parents and other agencies if we have concerns for a child's welfare.  At Meanwood we are committed to Early Help - this means we work collaboratively and honestly with parents to address issues long before they reach a stage where Social Services might need to be involved.

The Designated Safeguarding Leads at Meanwood who have the responsibility for child protection matters are:

  • Mrs Vyse (Headteacher)
  • Mrs Hart (Children's Welfare Officer)
  • Mrs Fletcher (Deputy Head)
  • Mrs Beeley (Deputy Headteacher)
  • Mrs Molloy (SENCo)

The Governor responsible for safeguarding is Mr Gareth Parkhill, Chair of Governors.

Meanwood's Children's Welfare Officer is Mrs Helen Hart.

Mrs Hart can signpost parents in the right direction to access support and advice regarding a range of issues such as:

  • Behaviour management
  • Supporting children's inclusion in school and with other services
  • Practical sessions around play, interaction and confidence-building
  • Advice on debt and money managing
  • Supporting families through difficult times of change and transition
  • Foodbank vouchers and applications to charities for essential household items

Mrs Hart works full-time in school and has her own room, the Family Room, in the Treehouse. She can be contacted via the school office on 01706 648197 or on her email address at:


If you have concerns about a child being abused, you will find useful information on the NSPCC website.

Early Help

What does "Early Help" mean? Quite simply, it means working with parents to give you the support you need, or to help you find the support you need, with any issues affecting your family, as soon as you need the support. By providing Early Help, we would aim to help you avoid problems escalating.

Our school Children's Welfare Officer Mrs Helen Hart can help you with a wide range of issues affecting children and families. 

Internet Safety

Do you know what your child is up to online? Or who they are talking to? Click here to read more about how to keep your child safe online.

The Child Exploitation Online and Protection website is another valuable source of information and support.

Rochdale Borough Safeguarding Children's Partnership - the role of this organisation is to make sure agencies work together to ensure children in Rochdale are as safe as they can be and its website provides up-to-date information for professionals, children and their families.

Through the site, you can access policies and procedures, get news about reviews and research and find out about training opportunities if you sign up for alerts you will know when new information is put on the site.