Meanwood Primary School Policies
On this page, you will find details of Meanwood Primary School's policies which may be of interest to parents. Our school policies are regularly reviewed and approved by the Governing Body.
If you would like to discuss any of these policies further, would like a copy of any policy, or if you require information about a policy not included on this page, please contact the Head Teacher.
We do not tolerate bullying in any form - read how we promote good relationships between children and how we address any incidents of bullying.
We have a legal duty to safeguard children. If we have any concern about a child's safety or welfare, we will first discuss this with parents or carers and will actively seek to offer any support we can to a family in need. We may also need to involve other agencies, such as Children's Social Care.
We hope you are happy with the care and education we provide at Meanwood. If you have any concerns, please talk to us informally and we will do all we can to resolve the issue - read the full version of the Complaints Policy.
Meanwood Community Nursery and Primary School is a data controller for the purposes of the Data Protection Act 1998.
Information regarding the school's responsibility to protect children from radicalisation.
The school is fully compliant with government guidelines on the use of screening and searching pupils and in the use of confiscation.