Welcome to Our School Council Page

Your School, Your Views, Your Say!

Here you can find out who your School Councillors are and what they are working on at the moment. The Councillors represent your views in school and let the adults know what YOU think!

Who are we?

  • Year 3 & 4 Councillors: Skylar, Danyal & Shane
  • Year 5 Councillors: Harvey & Lacey-Jo
  • Year 6 Councillors: Syeda & Hamza


Remembrance Day - Our school council had the honour of attending an Armistice service at the Salvation Army Citadel and being part of the commemorations at the cenotaph in Rochdale. The children all conducted themselves with dignity and pride and did really well reading out a prayer. They were photographed with the Mayor of Rochdale and Deputy Mayor and Cllr. Janet Emsley.

Children in Need - Friday 15th November 2024 is Children in Need. The School Council have organised a non-uniform day and a 'Biscuit Sale'. All money raised will be donated to Children in Need. Thank you to everybody who will contribute to our day.