Curriculum and Pupil Issues Committee

Terms of Reference

  • To review, monitor and evaluate the curriculum offer.
  • To develop and review policies identified within the school’s policy review programme and in accordance with its delegated powers (e.g. sex education and pupil behaviour/discipline).
  • To ensure that the requirements of children with special needs are met, as laid out in the Code of Practice, and receive termly reports from the headteacher/SENCO
  • To review, adopt and monitor the equal opportunities policy - taking into account the Equality Act 2010 and the public sector equality duty i.e. to eliminate discrimination, advance equality of opportunity and foster good relations
  • To provide a safe and secure environment for all staff and students. Under the Counter Terrorism and security Act 2015, we have a duty to safeguard young people from being drawn into terrorism and to promote British values.
  • To advise the Resources Committee on the relative funding priorities necessary to deliver the curriculum.
  • To monitor the school’s publicity, public presentation and relationships with the wider community.
  • To identify and celebrate pupil achievements
  • To oversee arrangements for educational visits, including the appointment of a named co-ordinator.

Membership of the Committee

Kate Ford (Chair)

Gareth Parkhill

Helen Vyse

Georgina Nuttall

Sharon Garofalo

Rachel Harpham

Julia Fletcher