British Values

When Ofsted inspects schools, they must determine how effectively the school is promoting the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.

So, how do we do this at Meanwood?

British Value Description
Democracy Democracy ensures everyone has an equal say in decision-making and that the government is accountable to the people.
How It’s Promoted at Meanwood - Class voting for school councillors.
- Teaching about public institutions and services.
- Encouraging pupils to engage in decision-making processes.
- Providing opportunities for pupils to express their views.
Rule of Law The rule of law ensures that all individuals are treated equally, and it promotes order and stability.
How It’s Promoted at Meanwood - Clear and fair school rules and expectations.
- Teaching right from wrong.
- Emphasizing the role of laws in protecting individuals.
- Working with local PCSO officers to build relationships.
- Exploring peer pressure and laws in Personal Development lessons.
Respect & Tolerance Respect and tolerance promote understanding of different backgrounds and beliefs, fostering inclusivity and diversity.
How It’s Promoted at Meanwood - Using the LA agreed syllabus for RE to study multiple religions.
- Visits to places of worship (churches, mosques, Hindu temples, synagogues).
- Exploring positive role models from diverse backgrounds.
- Challenging prejudicial behavior.
- Teaching respect for different cultures and ways of life.
Individual Liberty Individual liberty allows people to pursue their own goals and interests while respecting others.
How It’s Promoted at Meanwood - Opportunities for sports and extracurricular activities.
- Pupils take on responsibilities (e.g., School Councillors, Reading Ambassadors).
- Encouraging self-confidence and self-knowledge.
- Promoting freedom of speech while protecting vulnerable pupils.
- Implementing a strong anti-bullying culture.
- Teaching E-Safety throughout the school.
Stage Democracy Rule of Law Respect & Tolerance Individual Liberty
EYFS Pupils have opportunities to voice their opinions through discussions with staff. I know there are expectations about my behavior at school. I can talk about my own and others’ behavior and its consequences. I know that there are people in the community who help us. I can play cooperatively, take turns, and know how to stay safe and healthy.  
KS1 Pupils voice their opinions through questionnaires and discussions with staff. Parents and carers also share opinions via questionnaires and meetings. School behavior policy includes rewards and sanctions. I know classroom expectations and the importance of following rules. I recognize what a community is and that communities support each other. I understand sharing, borrowing, and returning items. I know I can make choices regarding my behavior, money, and how these affect my well-being and others.
LKS2 From Year 2 to Year 6, pupils vote for two school councillors per class. Councillors represent pupil views in school meetings. Parents and carers contribute through discussions and surveys. I understand what rules are, their importance, and that different rules apply in different situations. Laws exist in the country, and breaking them has consequences. I respect differences between people. I recognize the work of emergency services. People live different lives, and I should respect all choices. I can make my own choices regarding my future and money. My choices impact my health and well-being.
UKS2 From Year 2 to Year 6, pupils vote for two school councillors per class. Councillors represent pupil views in school meetings. Parents and carers contribute through discussions and surveys. I recognize why rules and leadership structures vary. I understand children's rights under the UNCRC. I know the effects of racial discrimination and gender stereotypes. I value diversity and community cooperation. I recognize different family traditions and cultural backgrounds. I make choices about my future career. I understand personal health, well-being, and risks of unhealthy habits. I know the laws on drugs, smoking, and alcohol.