Meanwood Primary School Breakfast Club is available from 7:45am-8.15am every day.
Breakfast Club is held in the canteen building by the Sure Start centre and the cost is £1 per session. There are a limited number of places so please enquire at the school office if you require a place - places can be booked via the SchoolComms app and paid for on there too. Breakfast club offers a delicious breakfast including: toast, bagels, cereals, yoghurts and fruit.
Children can attend on a regular or occasional basis.
Each morning, there are stations set up for children to do different activities including: colouring, lego games, board games, jenga, twister and more.
Some days children even get to bake their own tasty treats for breakfast such as rice krispy cakes, overnight oats and flapjacks!
Children are escorted into their classrooms at the end of Breakfast Club.
If you would like to enrol your child into the Breakfast Club or would like more information, please do not hesitate to ask at the school office.