Music at Meanwood

Music at Meanwood has a long tradition of excellence. We are very fortunate to have a dedicated music room and a specialist music teacher, Mrs Drumm, who works with all the children for a lesson every week.

In music lessons, the children learn all the elements of music, composition and singing. They learn basic standard notation (how to read music) and all have the experience of learning how to play an instrument. In Year 2, children begin to learn the recorder and in KS2, children learn African drumming and keyboard playing.

In addition, the music curriculum supports children's topic work and gives them exciting opportunities for class performances; for example, children have learnt about Indian Tal rhythms, Samba drumming, World War II music/dance, Roman instruments, junk drumming, Victorian songs, film music and music of The Andes.

Children have taken part in a variety of activities within the community, from performing at Spotland Methodist Church at Christmas and carol singing for residents of a local care home to performing at Award-winners' concerts, taking part in special workshops and visiting The Halle Orchestra.

Dedicated singing assemblies in both key stages help to develop children's enjoyment of singing together and learning about the 'Composer/Performer of the Week'.

Updated: 25/06/2024 19 KB

Year 6 Drummers

Year 6 drummers recently performed at our open day. Listen to the fantastic rhythms that they produced.