Rochdale’s Local Offer for Children with Special Needs and Disabilities
From 1 September 2014 all local authorities have to publish a Local Offer which provides information and advice on the services and provision available in the area for children and young people with SEN and/or a disability.
The Local Offer website will signpost you to information about:
- Suitable childcare
- Accessible Activities
- Short breaks
- Barnado's - Rochdale SENDiass (Special Educational Needs, Disability Information, Advice and Support Service)
- Dispute Resolution - Schools
- EHC Plan Appeal Process (SEN and Disability Tribunals)
- All schools – mainstream and special
- Secretary of State - Approved List of Institutions
- The local authority’s role and responsibility
- Health services – universal and specialist
- Personal Budgets for Children and Young People
Click here to go to Rochdale's Local Offer website
For more information about how we meet the needs of children with SEN and Disabilities at Meanwood, please click here