Ofsted Reports
At Meanwood, we are proud of the care and education that we provide for our children. We have a committed staff team who care passionately about making our school the best school it can possibly be.
Our Most Recent Ofsted Inspection was in February 2024
These are some of the strengths of our school identified in the latest report:
- Pupils enjoy coming to school and discovering new learning with their friends.
- Pupils at this school are kind and caring.
- Pupils know that they can talk to any member of staff if they are worried.
- The school’s expectations of pupils’ achievement are high.
- Pupils are polite and welcoming.
- They are curious about the world around them and contribute positively to the calm and purposeful nature of the school.
- Pupils excel in different sports and like to perfect their musical skills.
- The school has devised an ambitious and carefully constructed curriculum.
- Teachers know precisely what pupils should learn and when they should learn it.
- Teachers have the skills that they need to deliver the curriculum successfully.
- Reading is a high priority. Staff promote reading for pleasure, as do the pupil librarians. Pupils are especially keen on reading the work of popular children’s authors. They also enjoy poetry.
- The phonics and early reading curriculums are taught effectively by well-trained staff.
- Children in the Nursery enjoy singing along to nursery rhymes and repeating words and refrains from different books during story time.
- Pupils’ attendance at school is improving.
- Pupils’ personal development is at the heart of the curriculum.
- Pupils are passionate about their community.
- Safeguarding is effective.
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