Early Years Foundation Stage
At Meanwood, our curriculum is intended to rapidly improve children’s communication and language through quality interactions. Our children interact with adults and the provision to develop social and emotional literacy, physical and sensory processing skills and self-regulative strategies. We teach the children a carefully sequenced curriculum that is deeply learned through repeated and spaced practice through play in the indoor and outdoor provision.
At Meanwood, we have developed a curriculum that is well-sequenced and ensures the children have the knowledge and skills on which the National Curriculum can build.
Our curriculum covers the 7 areas of learning as set out in the EYFS Statutory Framework:
- Prime Areas:
- Communication and Language
- Physical Development
- Personal, Social and Emotional Development
- Specific Areas:
- Literacy (Reading and Writing)
- Mathematics
- Understanding the World
- Expressive Arts and Design
Our curriculum embeds Characteristics of Effective Learning which support life-long learning. We develop interest and curiosity in the world around them through playing and exploring, we ensure children become deeply engaged in the tasks they are doing active learning and equip children to think about their activities and make decisions and overcome problems by thinking creatively and critically.
For more detail on the Curriculum see Curriculum Overview Documents.
Through this curriculum, we also develop children’s spoken language. We motivate learners by reflecting their interests in our environment and igniting their curiosity. We support the development of children’s emotional literacy, integrating this through our day-to-day interactions.
We are developing our grounds to improve our connections with nature and to provide nature with a home. We have a bug area, and different environments to explore and will be planting our Woodland Trust hedgerow soon.