At Meanwood Primary School, we will:

  • Keep your child safe
  • Provide an exciting curriculum which promotes a love of learning
  • Help your child to reach their full academic potential
  • Keep you informed about your child’s progress
  • Offer you opportunities to get involved with your child’s education
  • Talk to you and work in partnership if there are any concerns about your child’s progress, behaviour or welfare

As a parent/carer, I will:

  • Encourage my child to do their best at school
  • Ensure my child attends regularly and arrives on time and I will keep school informed if my child is too ill to attend
  • Ensure my child wears full school uniform
  • Support my child with reading and homework
  • Talk to school and work in partnership if there are any concerns about my child’s progress, behaviour or welfare
  • Keep school updated with any change to my contact details