School Meals

School meals provision at Meanwood Primary School is run by the school.  We have our own kitchen where meals are freshly cooked each day and served in our purpose built canteen.

Each daily menu consists of a two course meal. There is a choice of hot cooked meals, including halal and vegetarian options, jacket potatoes and fillings, sandwiches and a salad bar. Desserts always include a choice of fresh fruit. Our meals are fully compliant with the government's nutritional guidelines for schools.

School meals cost £2.50 a day or £12.50 per week. We request that parents pay for the week in full on a Monday morning. We are now a cashless school, payments are made through the school gateway app. Please ask at the office if you need help to download this.

You can book with your child at home what they would like for their dinner using the app, bookings can be made for up to approx 3 weeks in advance. If you are unsure how to do this please ask to be shown. The current menu can be viewed outside the office, a paper copy of the menu is also available from the reception area.

It matters to us that children have a good meal at lunchtime and that they enjoy trying new things to eat. Because we run our own school meals service, we can be responsive to our children's needs and opinions.

Parents have the option to choose school meals or packed lunches for your child. Packed lunches need to be sent in a packed lunch bag, labelled with the child's name. We request that no bottles or fizzy drinks, sweets or chocolate bars are included in the packed lunch.  We are unable to provide refrigerated storage for the packed lunch boxes, so on warm days, it's a good idea to include a cool pack/ice block to keep your child's food cool. We are a Nut Free School so please be careful what you put into your child’s packed lunch.

Children who have packed lunches and school meals eat together in the canteen. Children who behave really well in the canteen, showing good manners or helping others, are rewarded with a Lunchtime Award by Miss Park on a Friday.

Children are closely supervised whilst eating; if parents have any concerns about their child, for example being a fussy eater, we are happy to give feedback every day on what your child has eaten.

All children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are eligible for what is known as "universal free school meals." In some circumstances, families may be eligible for free school meals. The school receives additional funding (The Pupil Premium) to support the education of children who are entitled to Free School Meals. If you think you could be eligible please see free-school-meals for information on how to apply.