Speech & Language

At Meanwood Community Primary School, our school-based Speech and Language Therapist, Sarah Copp, works with us every Thursday and Friday. Sarah supports children with their speech, language and communication skills in small groups or during 1:1 sessions. Sarah also completes class screens/assessments, shares advice with our teaching staff, supports clinic referrals and provides training on various topics to make Meanwood a ‘communication-friendly’ setting.

At Meanwood, we screen the majority of pupils with the ‘Wellcomm’. This is a speech and language toolkit, that provides age-appropriate activities to support language development. Both the Early Years and the Primary toolkits enable us to quickly and easily identify children needing additional support with speech, language and communication skills. If a child has difficulty with this assessment, they may be added to a small group for language support or referred to the SALT clinic if 1:1 therapy is required. The website below provides more information about the Wellcomm and how parents/carers can support it at home: Introduction to Wellcomm | Eastwards Consortium DLP.

If you have any questions relating to speech and language development, please contact Sarah Copp (in school on Thursday and Fridays) or Sam Molloy, School SENCO.

We have also provided some additional ‘Speech and Language’ website links below: