Meanwood's School Uniform
The school uniform at Meanwood is:
- Grey skirt or grey trousers
- White shirt or polo shirt
- School sweatshirt or cardigan with Meanwood logo or plain navy jumper, sweatshirt or cardigan
- Black shoes
- In summer, girls may wear a blue gingham dress and boys may wear short grey trousers
You can purchase Meanwood Uniforms from the following local stores:
Moses Schoolwear
Address: 21-23
Oldham Road,
OL16 1UA
Telephone: 01706 644447
Ziggy's Schoolwear
Address: 101
Yorkshire Street,
OL16 1DW
Telephone: 01706 655141
There is also a local community project called Uniform For All that recycles school uniforms. You can contact them via Facebook to arrange a collection of free school uniform items. You can also use this service to donate any school uniform items that you no longer need.
For safety reasons, children are not permitted to wear jewellery except plain stud earrings - these will need covering for PE if they cannot be removed by the child.
For indoor PE children need plain dark coloured shorts/leggings and a plain white t-shirt.
For outdoor PE plain dark coloured shorts/leggings, plain white t-shirt and trainers.
For outdoor PE (COLDER MONTHS) plain dark coloured tracksuit/fleece bottoms, plain jumper and trainers.
Children will need a pump bag to store their PE kit.
Children will need a bag as they will be bringing a reading book and reading record home every day, plus homework and letters from school. It helps your child to be organised and independent if they get into a good habit of bringing their book bag every day.
Please ensure all your child's uniform and belongings are clearly labelled with their name on them.
Thank you.