Come and visit our school!
Parents and carers who are considering applying for a place Meanwood Primary School for their child are invited to visit the school for a tour. You will meet our fantastic children and see how much they enjoy our school.
We are happy to meet prospective parents to discuss your child's individual needs before you consider an application, either for starting school or if you are considering a school move.
Please contact our school office for an appointment:
- Phone: 01706 648197
- Email:
We look forward to meeting you!
Applying for a Nursery Place for 3 or 4-year-olds
Our admissions criteria:
There are 26 places for 3 and 4-year-olds in our Nursery. The sessions are held mornings only and run from 8:45 AM - 11:45 AM. If the number of applicants is less than the number of places, the school will admit all applicants. However, if places are oversubscribed, these admissions criteria will be used:
- Child has an Education Health Care Plan naming Meanwood Nursery, or is undergoing assessment for an Education and Health Care Plan
- Children in the Care of the Local Authority or a child who was previously looked after or fostered under an arrangement made by the Local Authority
- Children who live in the school's catchment area, with brothers or sisters attending the school at the time of admission
- Other children who live in the school catchment area (without brothers or sisters attending the school at the time of admission)
- Children who live outside the school's catchment area but have brothers or sisters in attendance at the school
- All other children by age order
Children who are not offered a place to start will be put on a waiting list and whenever a place becomes available, this will be allocated according to the above criteria.
Please click here to complete an electronic version of our admission form for nursery places. You are also required to complete a Parental Agreement, which we send off to the Local Authority on your behalf, please click here to do so. A member of the school office will be in contact following the form submission.
For further information regarding Meanwood Nursery, please email us on
Applying for a Place in Reception to Year 6
Admissions to all year groups from Reception up to Year 6 are managed by Rochdale Local Authority. Meanwood's Published Admission Number is 60; this means we admit 2 classes of 30 children each September into Reception.
These are the contact details for Rochdale Local Authority:
School Admissions/Early Help and Schools
Number One Riverside
Smith Street
Rochdale OL16 1XU
Telephone: 01706 925982
Admissions Criteria
For community schools such as Meanwood Primary, the local authority allocates places in the following order:
- Where a child has a Statement of Special Educational Needs or Education, Health Care Plan (EHCP) naming a specific school, the child will be allocated a place before any other places are allocated
The remaining applications are considered in the following order of priority:
- Children in the Care of a Local Authority
- Children with exceptional medical needs or exceptional welfare considerations which are directly relevant to the school concerned
- Children with older siblings attending the school
- Proximity - nearness to the school.
For details of the criteria, how they are applied and to which schools they apply to please click here.
How do I apply for a place?
If you live outside the borough of Rochdale and want a school place at a Rochdale school you must apply through your home local authority.
If you live in the borough you can apply for a place online.