Pupil Discipline Committee

Overall Purpose of the Committee

The overall purpose of the Committee is to carry out the Governing Board’s legal responsibilities in relation to reviewing the exclusion from school of individual pupils.

Terms of Reference - Consideration of Exclusions

To carry out the Governing Board’s statutory duty to review fixed-term and permanent exclusion cases, as required by legislation and in accordance with DfE and LA advice.

Reviews will involve:

  • Considering the case presented by the Headteacher
  • Considering the views of parents of the excluded pupil
  • Considering the views of the LA (including such agencies as the Educational Psychology Service, the Fair Access Team, the Pupil Referral and Support Service, the SEN Service or the Education Welfare Service)
  • Having regard to DfE and LA guidance and the policy of the Governing Board
  • Deciding whether to uphold the exclusion, or not, (where the pupil is still excluded)
  • Ensuring that a note of the Committee’s views on the exclusion is placed on the pupil’s record with a copy of the Headteacher’s exclusion letter, where appropriate
  • Ensuring that the parents, Headteacher and LA are informed of the Committee’s decision in writing, within the required timescale

Appeals to the Independent Appeals Panel (set up by the Council) made by parents against decisions of the committee to uphold a permanent exclusion:

  • To prepare the statement of the Governing Board for such an appeal and to liaise with the Clerk to the Appeals Panel with regard to other information required
  • To represent the Governing Board at the hearing of the case by the Appeals Panel